*Note: QSF file only works with paid Qualtrics accounts.
QSF Download
Note: iatgen is customized for the "Blank" theme in Qualtrics. You should not change the theme settings in your Qualtrics IAT unless you adjust the CSS/HTML code accordingly.
Iatgen is licensed under the Creative Commons for Attribution-Non-Commercial Use, meaning you may redistribute, remix, tweak, and build upon this work non-commercially, as long as you cite the source. Iatgen is provided ‘as is,’ with no warrantee of any kind, and we assume no liability of any kind for any consequences that may result from using iatgen. More information can also be found here: https://github.com/iatgen/iatgen
Please also cite our iatgen publication in any papers that use iatgen:
Carpenter, T., Pogacar, R., Pullig, C., Kouril, M., Aguilar, S., LaBouff, J. P., Isenberg., N., & Chakroff, A. (in press). Survey-software Implicit Association Tests: A methodological and empirical analysis. Behavior Research Methods.
By clicking below, you agree to adhere to the terms of the license, including that that you are using this tool for non-commercial purposes and will cite it as appropriate.
QSF Download Issues
Warning: Please make sure that all input parameters are specified. In particular enter at least one stimuli per group.
QSF Download Input Issues
Warning: Please make sure that all input parameters are specified.
Number of stimuli in the QSF file doesn't match number of stimuli in the analyzed dataset.
Carpenter, T., Pogacar, R., Pullig, C., Kouril, M., Aguilar, S., LaBouff, J. P., Isenberg., N., & Chakroff, A. (in press). Survey-software Implicit Association Tests: A methodological and empirical analysis. Behavior Research Methods.
How to cite iatgen
Carpenter, T., Pogacar, R., Pullig, C., Kouril, M., Aguilar, S., LaBouff, J. P., Isenberg., N., & Chakroff, A. (in press). Survey-software Implicit Association Tests: A methodological and empirical analysis. Behavior Research Methods.